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Can I Collect Monetary Compensation if I Was Injured by a Speeding Driver?

 Posted on February 11, 2025 in Car Accident

Fort Collins, CO personal injury lawyerIn a recent news release, the Colorado State Patrol reported that speed is still a significant factor in Colorado traffic collisions and that it causes more severe injuries. In 2024, CSP investigated over 560 speed-related crashes that produced injuries and fatalities. While some people may believe speeding tickets are simply a way for law enforcement agencies to generate income, the truth is that they are an attempt to discourage drivers from speeding and posing a risk to the public. 

If a speeding driver injured you, you know firsthand why speed limits are important. Speeding accidents can cause serious injury and property damage that can leave victims needing a great deal of medical care along with costly bills to pay. The good news is that you do not need to deal with this on your own, and a dedicated Fort Collins, CO personal injury attorney can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.

Why Do Speed Limits Exist?

While it is true that speeding drivers can be issued citations, and these citations do generate revenue, the real reason behind speed limits is to ensure public safety. In 1901, Connecticut introduced the first U.S. motor vehicle speed limit. The maximum speed allowed in cities was 12 mph, and 15 mph was the limit in rural areas. A national speed limit of 55 mph was issued in the 1970s, but the 1980s saw a speed limit increase to 65 mph on interstate roads. In 1995, the authority to establish speed limits was passed back to the states.

Today, statutory speed limits are in effect where signs are not present. Speed limits for each stretch of road are carefully set to minimize accident risks. An engineering speed study considers factors such as:

  • Traffic volume

  • Roadway features

  • Crash history

  • Sight distance

  • The number of intersections and driveways

  • Bicyclist and pedestrian travel

  • On-street parking

Special conditions, such as school or road construction zones, can result in temporarily reduced speeds.

Why Is Speeding a Safety Hazard?

The dangers of speeding cannot be ignored. Excess speed makes it challenging for drivers to avoid collisions and reduces vehicle stability. Additionally, while drivers need a longer distance to stop at higher speeds, speeding offers less time to react to traffic changes.

Higher speeds also create stronger impact forces, leading to more severe injuries. When combined with the fact that vehicle safety features, such as airbags and seatbelts, are less effective at higher speeds, speeding accidents are a recipe for disaster.

If a Speeding Driver Is Not Ticketed, Can I Still Seek Damages?

Speeding is illegal, but it is also negligent. While a speeding citation can serve as evidence that the driver caused your accident through negligence, you can still file a compensation claim even if no ticket is issued to the driver. However, if you hope to collect maximum damages, you need to work with an experienced personal injury attorney.

The liable insurance company will probably use multiple tactics designed to devalue your claim. Your lawyer will fight to help you obtain the full amount you are entitled to.

Call Our Skilled Larimer County, CO Speeding Accident Lawyer

If you are injured in a speed-related crash, partnering with a highly effective Fort Collins, CO personal injury attorney from Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. enhances your likelihood of receiving the highest available amount of compensation. Call 970-225-2190 to arrange your free case review, or contact us online now.

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