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Do I Have Workers' Comp Coverage if I Am an Independent Contractor? | Larimer County Independent Contractor Injury Attorney
Do I Have Workers' Comp Coverage if I Am an Independent Contractor in Colorado?
Workplace Accident Injury Attorney for Independent Contractors in Larimer County and Surrounding Areas
By definition, an independent contractor is a person or entity contracted to perform work for—or provide services to—another entity as a non-employee. This means the contractor typically does not receive the benefits of a regular employee. Independent contractors are also commonly known as freelancers.
If you are an independent contractor and you suffer an injury on the job, you may not have workers' compensation coverage. If you work for yourself, you should absolutely purchase workers' comp insurance because you are legally required to do so. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. for a free consultation to find out how we can help you recover benefits for medical expenses, wage replacement, and more.
Types of Work Injuries
Thousands of U.S. workers are injured on the job every year. Injuries at job sites can be caused by repetitive motion but others can be due to equipment failure or even fires and explosions. These types of accidents can take place in large factories or local retail stores.
Over time, equipment can fail if parts break down or wear out. Some equipment failures are violent, causing lacerations, burns, and head trauma. Other failures could even electrocute or crush the operator. Regardless if the accident is mechanical or electrical in nature, workers can suffer severe injuries, leaving them temporarily or permanently disabled and unable to perform their jobs.
More than 6 percent of Colorado's labor force works in the oil and gas industry. The processes of extracting and refining oil can be hazardous. Even if workers follow the mandated safety regulations, fires and explosions still take place, and many workers can suffer traumatic and life-threatening injuries if they are nearby when they happen.
Construction injuries can be more complicated because a large number of workers in that industry are classified as independent contractors. In some cases, this is an attempt by their employers to avoid paying for workers' compensation insurance and benefits. The lawyers at Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will analyze the details of your accident to determine if compensation is available to you and your family.
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we understand that today's workers use advanced equipment, but with that automation comes the risk of accidents. If a machine fails or causes an explosion, the operator and other workers nearby are at risk for serious injury. Our experienced workers' compensation lawyers are ready to help you seek the benefits you deserve.
Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.
If you were injured on the job as an independent contractor and work for yourself, you may not have coverage. If you have been hurt by an incident of equipment failure, contact a Longmont workers' compensation lawyer at 970-225-2190 for information on workers' comp insurance. Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. assists clients in Northern Colorado, including Larimer, Boulder, and Weld County.
Do I Pay Attorney Fees On Workers' Compensation Payments? | Ft. Collins Work Injury Lawyers
Do I Pay Attorney's Fees on Workers' Compensation Benefits Received Before I Hired You?
Work Accident Injury Lawyer for Clients in Boulder County and Surrounding Areas
If you or a loved one was injured in the workplace in Colorado, you should file a workers' comp claim for financial relief due to lost wages. If you are already receiving workers' compensation checks, you may be wondering if you have to pay attorney's fees on payments made to you prior to seeking legal counsel. If you hire Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. we will not take attorney fees out of the checks you were receiving before you hired us. To schedule a risk-free consultation, contact our experienced injury lawyers today.
Understanding Attorney Fees and Compensation
In the state of Colorado, attorney's fees are limited to a contingency fee of 25 percent of the benefits an attorney reclaims on the injured worker's behalf. The fees typically come out of your settlement money, not out of your pocket. For example, in a case where you settle for $40,000, your attorney's fee should not be more than $8,000. You can also contact the Colorado Division of Workers' Compensation for more information on benefits.
If an attorney tries to collect more than 25 percent, do not use that lawyer or law firm. As a client of Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., you will only pay the contingency fee if we collect damages at the end of the case.
By law, employers in Colorado (public or private) must provide workers' compensation coverage for their employees if the company has one or more people working full time. Temporary disability benefits may be paid to you if you are completely unable to work. A maximum amount is set as a limit by law each year.
Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.
If you were hurt at work and are unsure about attorney's fees and if or when you have to pay them, contact a Ft. Collins workers' compensation lawyer at 970-225-2190 to learn how those fees work and what your options are for payment. You may not be required to pay attorney's fees for benefits received before hiring Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. In addition to Ft. Collins, we serve clients in Larimer County, Loveland, Windsor, Greeley, Weld County, Longmont, Boulder, and Boulder County.
Can I Choose My Doctor If I Was Injured At Work? | Larimer County Worker's Compensation Lawyer
Do I Have a Choice on What Doctor I See if I Was Hurt at Work in Colorado?
Workers' Compensation Lawyer for Employees Hurt in Workplace Accidents in Weld County and Surrounding Areas
In the unfortunate event you injure yourself while working at your job, you may wonder if you have a choice in which doctor you see for treatment. Typically, if you are injured in a car accident outside of work, that would fall under personal injury, and you can go to any physician you choose. However, in the case of workers' compensation for a workplace injury, you must go to the company's recommended doctor.
If your initial injury requires emergency care, you can either call 9-1-1 or go to the closest emergency room (ER), depending on the severity of your injuries. But once the emergency is over, you need to visit the physician to whom your employer sends you. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. for a free consult for help in recovering medical expenses due to a work accident.
Choosing a Doctor
Once you report the accident and subsequent injury to your employer, they are required to provide you with a list of four different medical facilities you can visit. Within 90 days of your injury, you can change doctors or practices once by completing a required form. If your employer does not direct you to a specific doctor or medical facility within a certain amount of time after your injury, you may select your own doctor or medical center.
Once you or your employer has chosen a doctor or medical facility, that provider becomes an "authorized treating physician" who can make referrals to specialists if necessary, or even surgeons, chiropractors, physical therapists, and more. If you are unhappy with the treatment you are receiving for any reason, contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. so we can assist you in finding the appropriate care you need.
Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.
Even under the best working conditions, accidents can and do happen. If you are unsure of your medical treatment options after a workplace injury in Ft. Collins, contact a skilled attorney at 970-225-2190 for a free consultation. The legal team at Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. can advise you on the best course of action to take to achieve optimal results for you and your family.
Should I Quit My Job if I was Injured at Work? | Larimer County Workers' Comp Attorney
Should I Quit My Job If I Was Injured At Work in Ft. Collins?
Workers' Compensation Claim Attorneys for Employees Who Are Hurt on the Job in Larimer County and Weld County
Workplace accidents occur regardless of the industry or field in which an employee works, even if necessary precautions are followed. Workers in the oil and gas, construction, or trucking industries can suffer serious and even life-threatening injuries including burns, traumatic brain injuries, and spinal cord injuries.
If you are injured while at work, call 9-1-1 if you need immediate medical assistance. Then, file an official injury report with your employer. It is best to tell someone about the injury as soon as possible or within a four-day period. If you wait a long time to report your personal injury, it's possible your claim could be denied. Remember to always document an injury in writing and retain a copy for yourself.
See a physician as soon as possible, and tell your doctor the injury was suffered while performing your work duties. If you wait too long to visit a doctor, you risk your claim being denied. Be sure to tell medical personnel about any part of your body that hurts as a result of the injury. Show them any bruises, cuts, or scrapes. Once your employer receives your notice of injury, they are required to notify their workers' compensation insurance carrier. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. to learn how we can assist you in obtaining relief due to lost wages.
Unfair Treatment by Employer
You may wonder if you should quit your job after being injured, especially if you are unable to perform your duties as a result. Sometimes an employer may treat you unfairly or blame you after an accident in an effort to make you quit. Other employers might create a hostile environment.
We recommend you do NOT quit your job! If you resign, you may be giving up important legal rights to which you are entitled. In addition, if you quit your job, you might not be able to collect unemployment. If you are considering leaving your position, contact a Fort Collins workers' compensation lawyer to discuss the details of your accident before deciding on any course of action.
Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.
If you have been hurt while performing your job, our experienced workplace injury lawyers at Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will explain your rights to compensation so you can receive the benefits you need and deserve. Contact a Boulder County workers' compensation attorney at 970-225-2190 for a free consultation to find out how we can help you through the process of filing or appealing a claim.
How Do I Know I Have a Workers' Compensation Claim? | Ft. Collins Job Injury Lawyer
How Do I Know If I Have A Workers' Compensation Claim in Colorado?
Ft. Collins Lawyer for Workplace Accident Injuries
In the workers' compensation field, some of the most common types of injuries take place when lifting. For example, a CNA at a nursing home can hurt his or her back when transferring a patient from a bed to a wheelchair. Other typical claims are the result of vehicle accidents, slipping, falling or repetitive motion injuries.
In most workers' comp cases, it does not matter if another person or party was found to be negligent or not. For example, if you lift a box and throw out your back, that is a valid workers' compensation claim due to no fault of another party. Alternatively, if someone else's negligence did cause you to slip and fall and therefore hurt a part of your body, that is also considered a valid workplace injury claim. In Colorado, you cannot sue your employer for negligent injuries if your employer carries workers' compensation insurance. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. to learn about your rights to benefits after a work accident.
Common Workplace Injuries
Based on the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) statistics, back injuries are one of the most common types of workplace injuries. Back and neck injuries can come in different levels of severity, each requiring specific treatment. These injuries can include but are not limited to slipped or herniated discs, fractured vertebra, and pinched nerves.
Certain back and neck injuries can occur in a matter of seconds due to a fall, turning the wrong way, lifting a heavy object, a car accident, or even an explosion. Repetitive motion, such as using a mouse all day, can result in a carpal tunnel syndrome diagnosis. If you work on a computer and sit at a desk all day, poor posture could even lead to back problems. Regardless if your injury happened after one incident or repetitive activity over time, you may be entitled to receive benefits under Colorado's workers' compensation laws.
Long-Term Effects
In some cases, back, neck, and head injuries, whether from falling, repetitive motion, or a vehicle accident, can have devastating long-term effects. The pain and discomfort related to these types of events can last for months and even years after the initial injury. Workers who lose range of motion or mobility might need to file for Social Security Disability insurance if they can no longer perform their occupational duties on a daily basis.
It is common for employers to try to avoid paying claims related to injuries sustained on the job. If you are older, they may say your age caused the injury, or even cite a pre-existing condition. If your injury claim is denied by your employer or their insurance company, you need an experienced attorney to guide you through the process of receiving compensation benefits to pay for medical bills and possibly physical therapy, as well as to replace lost wages.
Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.
If you have been injured on the job, the knowledgeable workers' compensation lawyers at Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will help you prove your pain and suffering are the results of a workplace injury so you can receive the benefits you deserve. Contact a Larimer County workplace injury lawyer at 970-225-2190 to discuss your case.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
1401 W 29th St, Unit 3,
Loveland, Colorado 80538
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
Ft. Collins:
1109 Oak Park Dr Ste 100,
Fort Collins, CO 80525|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)