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How Do I Know I Have an Auto Accident Injury Claim? | Larimer County Personal Injury Lawyer
How Do I Know I Have An Auto Accident Injury Claim in Colorado?
Ft. Collins, Colorado Injury Attorneys for Car Accident Victims
If you are involved in a car accident, you will know you have a claim if someone else was at fault and if you were injured in the accident.
One of the most common types of cases that Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. handles are accidents in which our client was stopped at a stoplight or a stop sign and another driver who was not paying attention, rear-ends the stopped car. This sudden impact can cause whiplash, head trauma, spinal injuries, and more. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. for a free initial consultation and learn how we can help you. Call us before speaking with any insurance company, including your own.
Common Injuries in Rear-End Crashes
Based on the latest National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) reports, the most common type of motor vehicle accident is a rear-end collision. The majority of rear-end crashes do not involve fatalities or severe injuries, but many of these types of accidents create serious, long-term health issues for victims.
A rear-end collision is when any vehicle (car, motorcycle, truck) hits the back of the vehicle directly in front of it. The impact of this type of crash can harm the occupants by causing them to hit their heads on the dashboard or windshield. While some injuries are immediately noticeable, many victims feel back or neck pain later, even up to several months after the accident. Even if the crash occurs at low speeds, it can still cause significant injuries. A few of the typical types of injuries from rear-end collisions include concussions, traumatic brain injuries, whiplash, spinal cord injuries, and fractures.
Rear-End Accident Liability
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we understand the liability for a rear-end collision is not always clear, especially when multiple vehicles are involved or if there are no witnesses. In high-impact collisions, the more damage that is done to your vehicle and/or the other person's vehicle, the easier it is to prove your injuries were caused by that collision.
In the majority of rear-end collision cases, the motorist who crashed into the back of the vehicle in front of him or her is usually held liable for causing the accident. This is the case even if the car ahead slowed down significantly or came to a complete stop. Typically, a motorist should leave two car lengths of space in front so there is enough room to stop if needed. Many drivers decline to do this because they are talking on cell phones, driving recklessly, or tailgating.
Our experienced personal injury lawyers will investigate the circumstances of your accident, finding any and all parties that may be held responsible. Our firm has helped clients in Colorado recover millions in verdicts and settlements, and we can prepare a case that will maximize your compensation so you can return to your life before the accident.
Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.
If you were involved in a rear-end collision and suffered injuries as a result, you are entitled to compensation. Contact Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. 24-hours a day, seven days a week to help you with the process of filing a claim. Call 970-225-2190 for a free consultation today. Our firm serves clients throughout northern Colorado, including Boulder, Estes Park, Ft. Collins, and Windsor.
Should I See A Doctor After A Workplace Injury? | Ft. Collins Injury Lawyer | CO
If My Workplace Injury is Not Serious, Should I Still Go to the Doctor?
Ft. Collins Workers' Compensation Lawyer for Larimer County Oil and Gas, Construction, and Trucking Employees
While workplace injuries and illnesses have dropped by around 80 percent over the past four decades, improvements in safety procedures will never eradicate the threat entirely. This is especially true in hazardous industries like oil and gas, construction, and trucking. The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration says improper fall and respiratory protection, faulty scaffolding and ladders, and insufficient hazardous energy source lockouts are among the most common violations that lead to injury.
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we help individuals injured in workplace accidents, including those whose employers do not have sufficient workers' comp insurance to cover medical bills and missed work hours. Many of those injured are not sure if the severity of their injuries requires a doctor's care or an official accident report.
What to Do if Injured at Work
If you are unsure of the seriousness of your injuries, you should still see a doctor as soon as possible. You want to tell the physician what body parts you injured and how the injury occurred.
If you do not report the injury right away, your employer's insurance company may deny your injury claim. If you either know or suspect you were seriously injured, then see a doctor. If the injury is properly documented, and it is later discovered your injuries are more severe than initially believed, you have preserved your legal rights to compensation. Sometimes the natural rush of adrenaline immediately after an accident masks a victim's pain, but a doctor can provide a full diagnosis and long-term projection for your recovery.
Types of Workplace Injuries
Around 4.6 million work injuries occur each year in the U.S. The most common injuries are ligament sprains, strains, and tears; cuts or punctures; and soreness and pain. The most severe injuries include head and brain injuries, spinal cord injuries, and back and neck injuries. These can result in anything from short-term to permanent disability. Some victims progress toward a full recovery while others suffer from diminished earning capacity and reduced quality of life.
When you are injured at work, it is imperative you get the compensation necessary for any current and future medical expenses. Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will help you get what you need, whether through negotiations with an insurance company to reach an agreeable settlement, or through courtroom litigation.
Contact a Fort Collins Workplace Injury Lawyer
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., our dedicated legal team of talented attorneys and paralegals was assembled to provide the best possible representation for Northern Colorado accident victims. We have recovered millions of dollars in compensation for our clients, including workers' comp settlements of up to $2.5 million. Let us fight for the financial award you deserve. To set up a free consultation with a Larimer County personal injury attorney, contact us today at 970-225-2190. We also serve Loveland, Windsor, Greeley, Weld County, Longmont, Boulder, and Boulder County.
Will My Credibility Be Attacked in My Injury Case? | Ft. Collins Injury Lawyer | CO
Will My Credibility Be Called into Question in My Injury Case?
Fort Collins Workers' Comp and Personal Injury Lawyer for Larimer County
When you file a personal injury or workers' compensation claim, establishing your credibility is essential in securing a favorable settlement or courtroom outcome. If you have a claim that will cost an insurance company money, they may try to attack your believability. Honestly conveying the circumstances and the full extent of your injuries will help you get the financial compensation you deserve.
How to Establish Credibility in a Personal Injury Case
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we only represent clients with legitimate injury claims. There are numerous ways you can support your claim by providing important information, including:
- Disclosing all preexisting conditions, erring on the side of disclosure. A preexisting injury to a body part affected in your accident will not limit compensation, including for re-aggravation of that previous injury.
- Providing a consistent, detailed account of how you were injured and what body parts were injured. An insurance provider will try to find inconsistencies in an effort to dispute your claim. Tell your doctor every body part that was affected, no matter how minor. Do not just tell them about what hurts the most. If doctors give you a pain diagram to describe what hurts, fill it out the same way every time.
- Following all doctor instructions. Always do what they say. That includes going to any prescribed and scheduled physical therapy appointments, and following all activity and work restrictions. If you do not follow these restrictions, whether at home or on the job, and an insurer puts you under surveillance, they can use that video or photographic evidence to attack your credibility and the validity of your injury.
- Taking all medications as prescribed by your physician. For any narcotics prescriptions, do not request an early refill, because an insurance company can claim that you are addicted to the drug to portray you in a negative light.
Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will help you adhere to these critical guidelines so that your reputation is indisputable throughout the legal process as we pursue an agreeable settlement or favorable judgment. Following these recommendations can expedite your case, as it will display to the insurance company that they are wasting their time trying to assail your trustworthiness.
Contact a Ft. Collins Injury Attorney
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we aggressively fight for the rights of individuals seriously injured because of someone else's negligence. No one should have their ability to work, long-term financial stability, and quality of life reduced due to a negligent party's action or inaction. If you were injured in a motor vehicle accident or workplace accident, entrust your case to our experienced Larimer County personal injury lawyers. For a free consultation, contact us at 970-225-2190 today. We also serve Loveland, Windsor, Greeley, Weld County, Longmont, Boulder, and Boulder County.
What if My Employer Wants Me to Lie About An Injury Claim? | Ft. Collins Injury Lawyer | CO
What if My Employer Wants Me to Say I was Injured at Home Instead of at Work?
Ft. Collins Personal Injury and Workers' Compensation Lawyers for Larimer County
When you are seriously injured in a workplace accident, it is important to seek immediate medical care and complete an official accident report with your employer. These steps are essential when you have to file a workers' compensation claim to receive benefits compensation for medical care and lost work hours.
But what if your employer asks you to lie about your injury, and tells you they will cover the costs?
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we represent employees injured in workplace accidents, including those in the oil and gas, construction, and trucking industries. If you were injured on the job, and your employer does not have sufficient workers' comp insurance or has asked you to falsify an injury claim, contact our experienced injury attorneys immediately.
Workers' Comp Claims in Colorado
On occasion, an employer will try to get an employee to say their injury did not occur on company property or during the execution of tasks related to their job. This is often attempted by employers who have failed in their legal duty to carry a workers' compensation policy for their employees. In Colorado, all private and public employers (with extremely limited exceptions) are required to provide workers' comp coverage if they have one or more part-time or full-time employee(s). By law, any individual hired to work for pay is considered an employee, including elected or appointed public sector services and those hired by private employers.
If your employer told you to misrepresent your injury and not file it as work-related, and that they would pay for your medical bills, do not follow that course of action. If you do, they may pay for your first few doctor visits, but if the severity of your injury necessitates extensive care that results in substantial medical costs, they will likely stop payment altogether. If you do not initially report your injury as a workers' comp claim, the probability that you will successfully file a claim after stating your injuries occurred elsewhere is virtually zero.
It is not uncommon for workers, especially in high-risk industries, to wonder if they can be fired for getting hurt on the job. Federal law disallows this type of retaliation. No employer can terminate a worker's employment because of a workplace injury. You are still a regular employee while you collect workers' comp benefits and during your recovery, so you can be laid off if employment cuts are made, but you cannot lose your job because of the injury. If you feel like your employer has violated this protocol, Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. is ready to fight for you.
Contact a Fort Collins Workers' Comp Attorney
If you were injured in a workplace accident, and your employer does not have workers' comp insurance, Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will pursue legal action to get the compensation you deserve. Contact us at 970-225-2190 today for a free consultation. We also serve Loveland, Windsor, Greeley, Weld County, Longmont, Boulder, and Boulder County.
Can I Sue My Employer for a Work Injury Cause By Negligence? | Ft. Collins Injury Attorneys | CO
Can I Sue My Employer if They Negligently Injured Me?
Larimer County Workers' Comp Lawyers for Northern Colorado, Including Fort Collins
No one's physical well-being and their ability to work should be jeopardized by unsafe working conditions caused by employer negligence. Unfortunately, this happens often in Colorado, especially in the oil and gas, construction, and trucking industries. Even under the best of conditions, workers in these fields face a significantly higher probability for serious injury or death when compared to other occupations.
A common question that comes up from clients seeking legal assistance from Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. is whether you can sue a company for injuries suffered while executing the required duties of your job. In the end, that depends on whether your employer has purchased workers' comp insurance to cover their employees, as mandated by law.
Exclusive Remedy Provision
In Colorado, employers are protected by the Exclusive Remedy Doctrine, which says a worker cannot sue their employer for negligent injury if the company is covered by workers' compensation insurance. However, if a third party caused your injury, you can pursue legal action against them to recover damages.
For instance, if you are a delivery driver and another driver's negligence led to a car accident that injured you, or if you were bitten by an unsecured dog while making a delivery, you can sue the negligent party for your injuries.
Colorado Workplace Injuries
On-the-job injuries can occur in virtually any line of work. While many are not serious, others can lead to short-term, long-term, or permanent disability. Some of the most severe include traumatic brain injuries, back and neck injuries, and spinal cord injuries. Injuries that do not seem significant immediately following an accident can worsen over time, even years afterward. With any workplace injury, it is essential to get a thorough examination and diagnosis from a physician, who can assess any potential lasting damage that can affect your ability to work at full strength. Be sure to point out any area or limb that you feel was impacted by the accident, so your doctor can provide the best possible assessment.
You can trust Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. to fight for the financial award necessary to protect your future. We want to ensure you have what you need to facilitate a complete recovery, or if you face diminished earning capacity, the compensation necessary to offset any lost income.
Contact a Ft. Collins Personal Injury Lawyer
At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., we aggressively represent clients injured while earning a living through their occupation. This includes workers' compensation cases in which an employer did not have sufficient insurance to cover your injuries and injury claims against third-party individuals whose actions led to a serious accident. We pursue maximum financial compensation to pay for hospital bills, rehabilitation costs, lost wages, and pain and suffering. To learn how our trusted Larimer County personal injury attorneys can help you today, contact us at 970-225-2190 for a free consultation. We also serve Boulder, Boulder County, Longmont, Weld County, Greeley, and Windsor.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
1403 W. 29th St.,
Loveland, Colorado 80538
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
Ft. Collins:
1109 Oak Park Dr Ste 100,
Fort Collins, CO 80525|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)