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Do I Need a Lawyer for My Car Accident Claim?

 Posted on March 28, 2022 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerAfter a car crash, you have a long to-do list. Attend all your medical appointments. Seek counseling if the accident caused an emotional impact. Work on replacing or repairing your vehicle. Deal with the police if they are investigating. Report the accident to insurance. Get a lawyer? If you are unsure about whether you need an attorney to help you recover damages after a car accident, you probably do. A lawyer can help take the more technical side of dealing with a car accident claim off your plate so that you can focus on your own personal recovery. The safest thing to do is to reach out to a lawyer who can help you understand what his role would be and how he can help.

When Should I Get a Lawyer After a Car Crash?

Trying to handle a car accident claim on your own can be enormously stressful and time-consuming. Even if it was very obvious that another driver was at-fault, you may still encounter some resistance - and you might not get a fair offer. A lawyer will be better able to assess what your claim is worth and can fight to reach a fair settlement. In these circumstances, you will most likely benefit from being represented by counsel:

  • Injury - If you suffered any type of physical injury and have medical bills as a result, the matter is best handled by a professional. The medical evidence showing a car accident injury can become complex. If you have ongoing medical costs, like physical therapy, you will also need to take your future expenses into account. A lawyer can help with this important step and make sure that you are demanding an amount that will cover all your costs.
  • Insurance resistance - If the insurance company is refusing to pay out the full amount your claim is worth or trying to blame you partially or entirely for the accident, you might need a lawyer. An attorney can gather evidence that may prove that the other driver alone was at fault, or that your share of the fault was minimal.
  • High-value claim - Insurance companies will try very hard to avoid paying out high awards. If you believe that your claim might be worth more than a few thousand, it is important that you get an attorney.
  • Mixed fault - It does sometimes happen that while one driver primarily caused the accident, the other has at least some share of responsibility. Expect the insurance company to try to shift more than your fair share of blame onto you in an effort to reduce or eliminate your award.

In any of these cases, the odds that you will ultimately have to go to court to get an award are higher than average. It is best to be represented by counsel from day one.

Call a Larimer County Car Crash Lawyer

If you have been in a car accident, Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. can provide high-quality skilled legal representation. Our Fort Collins car crash attorneys will fight for you to receive every penny you deserve. Call 970-225-2190 for a free consultation.




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