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Do Long Holiday Weekends Increase Accident Risks?
Beginning with Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 14th, and ending with President’s Day on Monday, February 17th, many people in Colorado celebrated a long holiday weekend. I-70 was busy with skiers taking advantage of an extra day away off from work. Unfortunately, the Colorado State Patrol responded to seven fatal accidents between Friday and Sunday that were responsible for killing eight people. Separately, an 11-vehicle pileup on I-70 on Monday resulted in multiple injuries and the need for a hazmat team to clean up approximately 80 gallons of spilled diesel fuel. That crash was apparently caused by careless driving and others driving too fast for conditions.
Although winter weather and slick roads contributed to these crashes, a higher number of travelers on the roads due to the extended weekend may have also been a factor. President’s Day is not one of the major holidays, but the National Safety Council confirms that long holiday weekends typically see higher numbers of motor vehicle accidents, injuries, and fatalities. If you are injured in a car crash, a skilled Larimer County, CO personal injury attorney can help you establish liability and secure the highest available amount of compensation.
Why Are Crashes Common on Extended Holiday Weekends?
Many Americans consume alcohol or use drugs as part of their holiday festivities, and impaired driving is a top cause of car accidents. Additional risk factors include:
Several passengers in a vehicle can easily distract drivers.
Whether driving to a weekend vacation spot after a full workday or returning home after a fun-filled weekend, fatigue can cause various impairments that make driving unsafe.
Unfamiliar routes, particularly after dark, can confuse drivers and increase accident risks.
Heavy traffic volume contributes to the likelihood of crashes.
Drivers approaching accidents on roadways may pay more attention to the crash than their own driving, which can cause additional wrecks. While not all these reasons include negligence, many do. When negligence leads to a collision, victims likely have grounds to file a claim for compensation.
What Is Negligence?
Negligence in personal injury matters is careless behavior that ignores the danger posed to others. Speeding, tailgating, and failing to yield the right of way are common negligent driving errors. If you hope to collect compensation, you will need evidence proving that someone else’s negligence caused your accident.
You may still qualify to file a claim if you share fault through your own negligence, but your percentage of fault reduces the amount you could recover. It is very important to work with a knowledgeable lawyer in these cases because we know how to assign fault and will not allow an unfair amount of blame to be attributed to you.
Call Our Respected Fort Collins, CO Car Accident Lawyer
Whether you are injured in a car crash during a holiday weekend or any other time, partnering with an experienced Larimer County, CO personal injury attorney from Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. greatly increases your chance of maximizing your compensation. Call 970-225-2190 now or request your complimentary case evaluation online.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
1403 W. 29th St.,
Loveland, Colorado 80538
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
Ft. Collins:
1109 Oak Park Dr Ste 100,
Fort Collins, CO 80525|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)