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Do You Have a Valid Personal Injury Claim if the Car’s Airbag Malfunctioned?

 Posted on August 22, 2023 in Car Accident

CO injury lawyerCar accidents can often result in severe injuries, with individuals relying on various safety features, including airbags, to minimize the impact. However, what happens when these safety measures fail, especially when an airbag malfunctions? Today, we will shed light on the possibility of having a valid personal injury claim if your car’s airbag malfunctioned and failed to deploy during an accident. If an unfortunate incident like this has occurred to you, do not hesitate to call a personal injury lawyer, as they will fight to protect your rights and interests moving forward in your case.

Understanding Airbag Malfunctions

Airbags are designed to deploy during accidents and protect occupants by cushioning their impact and reducing the risks of injuries. However, occasionally, airbags can malfunction, failing to deploy or deploying with excessive force, which may cause significant harm. Some common causes of airbag malfunctions include manufacturing defects, electrical issues, faulty sensors, or even inadequate warnings regarding deployment issues.

Establishing Liability

You must establish liability against the responsible party to have a valid personal injury claim. Depending on the circumstances leading to the malfunction, multiple parties may be held accountable, including the vehicle manufacturer, airbag manufacturer, or even the car dealership. Proving liability typically requires a thorough investigation, professional analysis, and gathering substantial evidence.

Product Liability Claims

If a defect in the airbag caused it to malfunction, you may have grounds for a product liability claim. In such cases, you need to prove that the airbag had a manufacturing defect, design flaw, or inadequate warnings and that this defect directly caused your injuries. Hiring an experienced personal injury attorney can play a crucial role in establishing liability and recovering compensation.

Negligence Claims

In some instances, the airbag malfunction can be attributed to negligence, such as improper installation or failure to inspect the airbag system. This negligence claim may involve parties like car mechanics, repair shops, or individuals who modify the vehicle’s airbag system.

Consulting with a Lawyer

Personal injury claims, especially those involving airbag malfunctions, can be complex. Therefore, it is crucial to consult an experienced personal injury lawyer who is especially familiar with product liability and automobile cases. It is also important to remember that Colorado has a strict three-year statute of limitations for personal injury cases involving car accidents. As a result, do not wait to file a claim, as waiting too long may doom your chances of seeking compensation.

Contact an Ft. Collins Car Accident Lawyer

For help in your case, contact the esteemed Larimer County personal injury attorney with Hoggatt Law Office, P.C.. Call 970-225-2190 for a free consultation.


Source - https://leg.colorado.gov/sites/default/files/images/olls/1994a_sl_348.pdf

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