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Drunk Driving May Be on the Rise in Colorado

 Posted on November 20, 2018 in Car Accident

Larimer County drunk driving accident attorneyDespite the fact that drunk driving charges can come with extensive jail time, substantial fines, and potential driver’s license suspension, hundreds of thousands of American drivers continue to drive drunk. In Colorado, drunk driving continues to pose a massive problem for law enforcement officials throughout the state. Although traffic officials throughout Colorado have implemented more DUI checkpoints and increased surveillance of the roadways, drunk driving continues to increase, and many people are seriously injured in accidents caused by drunk drivers. If you or a loved one are impacted by the reckless and negligent actions of a drunk driver, you should work with an experienced attorney to determine your options for pursuing financial compensation. 

Drunk Driving Rising in Colorado

According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, DUI arrests rose by just under 30% from 2016 to 2017. In all, a staggering 10,359 drivers were arrested by Colorado state police in 2017 for driving under the influence of alcohol. This increase in drunk drivers has resulted in a tragically high number of fatalities. In 2017 alone, 226 people died due to alcohol-impaired driving in Colorado. While excessive speeding and distracted driving continue to be traffic issues that cause concern, drunk driving is a leading cause of motor vehicle collisions in Colorado. 

Alcohol-Impaired Driving Nationwide

Around the country, drunk driving is as big of an issue as it is here in Colorado. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 29 Americans die due to drunk driving every single day. Throughout 2016, more than 10,400 people died in motor vehicle collisions involving drunk drivers across the United States. Fortunately, law enforcement officials throughout the country are working diligently to lower the number of drunk drivers. Every year, state patrol officials and police officers arrest more than one million drivers for inebriated driving. 

Contact a Ft. Collins Drunk Driving Accident Lawyer

When a driver chooses to endanger the safety of others on the road by drinking and driving, they should be held responsible for their negligence. If you have been involved in a motor vehicle collision that was caused by a drunk driver, it is time to contact a legal team that will represent your best interests. At Hoggatt Law Office, P.C., our team of personal injury attorneys are dedicated to helping you and your family receive the full compensation you deserve in the aftermath of an automobile accident. To schedule a free consultation with a Larimer County personal injury attorney, call us today at 970-225-2190




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