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How Can Improper Maintenance Cause Truck Accidents?

 Posted on July 29, 2019 in Personal Injury

Fort Collins truck accident attorneyAll companies must uphold the standard practice requirements of their industry. These standards keep consumers safe from issues such as faulty products or contaminated foods. When companies neglect to fulfill these standards, and someone gets hurt as a result, the company may be held liable for the injuries. The same goes for transportation corporations when a truck accident is caused by poorly maintained vehicles.

What Are the Federal Standards for Truck Maintenance?

It is required that all commercial vehicles on the road are driving safely and operating within the conditions set by federal regulations. For instance, if a truck cannot safely carry freight, then it should not be on the road. Companies can monitor how a fleet is operating by keeping accurate and frequent records, requiring regular inspections, and having a staff that routinely maintains the vehicle. 

Commercial companies in Colorado are required to keep maintenance records for any vehicle that has been a part of their fleet for 30 days or more. These records must include:

  • Identifying information of the vehicle, including the title, year, owner, serial or VIN number, and tire size

  • The future inspection schedule organized by type and date

  • Previous maintenance and inspection records with proof of the task, such as a receipt or other accompanying documents 

  • A record that inspections have been properly completed every 12 months

These records are to be kept where the vehicle is garaged and maintained in between jobs. Having a regular inspection or tire change schedule can prevent the truck from causing serious or fatal accidents. When a truck driver can no longer control his or her vehicle due to a preventable system failure, other drivers on the road are at risk of getting hit by an 80,000-pound runaway vehicle. Worn tires are another avoidable danger. They can explode and cause a truck to roll over, creating a serious accident in the process. 

After a truck accident, there are many factors that are evaluated to see how the accident occurred and who is at fault. If the accident was caused by a mechanical error, records can be reviewed to determine whether proper maintenance was performed or whether a company was negligent in ensuring that a vehicle was safe to use. 

Contact a Larimer County Personal Injury Lawyer

As with any vehicle, trucks should undergo routine maintenance in order to work properly. Trucking companies should be held liable when their negligence causes an accident on the road. If you have been injured in a crash with a semi-truck, and you believe the trucking company is to blame, contact an experienced Fort Collins truck accident attorney today. Our skilled legal team can determine liability in your accident and will work to make sure you receive a fair amount of compensation. Call our office today at 970-225-2190 to schedule a free consultation. 




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