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Pursuing Compensation from an Impaired Driver in Colorado

 Posted on October 22, 2020 in Car Accident

Larimer County personal injury attorney car accident

The number of Coloradans who are killed in car accidents involving alcohol is increasing in recent years, accounting for more than 25 percent of all crash fatalities in the state. With the recent legalization of marijuana in Colorado, it too is becoming a measurable factor in traffic accidents, injuries, and deaths. If you have been injured by a driver who was impaired by alcohol, marijuana, or any other controlled substance, an experienced attorney can help you seek compensation for your damages.

The Dangers of Driving Under the Influence

The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) identifies several ways in which alcohol can impair a driver’s abilities. These include reduced attention, concentration, perception, information processing ability, coordination, and motor and visual abilities, and the effects increase along with a higher blood alcohol concentration (BAC).

Though the dangers of driving under the influence of alcohol are well known, the effects of marijuana on driving ability have come under increased scrutiny in recent years. Research into the problem is ongoing, but the NHTSA reports that marijuana use can cause similar impairment to a driver’s physical and mental abilities. In Colorado, since 2016 when the state instituted uniform reporting procedures for the presence of THC (the intoxicating chemical in marijuana) in traffic accidents, it has been reported to be a factor in more than 30 annual fatalities.

Personal Injury Claims Against Impaired Drivers

Impairment due to alcohol and other drugs is an example of negligent driving behavior, and if you have been injured by an impaired driver, you may be entitled to compensation for your damages. You can give yourself the best chance at full compensation by hiring an attorney and initiating your claim as soon as possible after the accident.

One of our top priorities will be to help you gather evidence of the other driver’s negligence. In a case involving alcohol or drugs, witness testimony and visual evidence of the driver’s erratic behavior in the form of camera footage may be sufficient to establish his or her liability. However, we can often help you obtain additional evidence to strengthen your claim from police reports and chemical test results. In Colorado, law enforcement tests not only for alcohol, but also for THC and other intoxicating substances.

Contact a Ft. Collins Car Accident Attorney

At Hoggatt Injury Law, we recognize the risks that alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs pose to Colorado drivers, and we want to help you secure compensation for your recovery if you have been hurt in an accident. With our personal injury law experience, we will present a strong case for you in settlement negotiations or at trial. Call our skilled Larimer County personal injury lawyers today to request a free consultation at 970-225-2190.






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