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Safety Tips to Help Avoid Pedestrian Accidents

 Posted on June 07, 2019 in Car Accident

Fort Collins pedestrian accident lawyer

Walking is an easy and inexpensive way to get places, and it provides the added benefit of physical activity. However, a pedestrian may be involved in a collision with a car or truck, and these types of accidents can be incredibly dangerous. In 2017, 5,977 pedestrians were killed throughout the United States as a result of being hit by a vehicle. Although this is down 1.7 percent from the year prior, the large number of pedestrian fatalities and injuries continues to be a serious concern.

In this type of accident, a person on foot is likely to suffer a serious injury or even death. In a car, the driver and passengers have seat belts and airbags, while a pedestrian has no protection. Pedestrians who are hit by a car may experience injuries such as broken bones, head trauma, spinal cord damage, nerve damage, amputated limbs, and lacerations.   

Safety Tips for Pedestrians

Pedestrians may be able to avoid accidents by remaining aware of their surroundings. While walking or running around roadways, consider the following safety tips:

  • Follow the Law: Laws keep people accountable for their actions and are the basis of safety on the road. For example, it is illegal to use a cell phone or consume alcohol behind the wheel, because this is dangerous for the driver, people in other vehicles, and pedestrians. As a person on foot, you should obey road signs and cross at designated crossing areas. Avoid crossing the street against a signal. Even if there is minimal or no traffic, a car could come around a corner quickly and not see you trying to cross.
  • Share the Road: When possible, use designated areas for pedestrians, such as sidewalks. However, not every road has a sidewalk, and sometimes they are under construction. If only one sidewalk is available, cross to the other side of the street to continue walking. If there are no designated paths for pedestrians, walk as far away from the road as possible in the direction of traffic. If you know you will be on a roadway with limited pedestrian access, consider wearing bright colored clothing or reflective gear.

Even if you follow these tips and take all possible safety precautions, you may be unable to avoid being struck by a vehicle. In many cases, a driver is at fault for a pedestrian accident, since they should be driving defensively and taking care to remain aware of everyone on the road around them. If you have been injured after being hit by a car while you were on foot, an attorney can help you establish liability for the injury and recover compensation from a negligent driver. 

Contact a Larimer County Pedestrian Accident Lawyer

A collision between a car and a person on foot can be life-altering for the pedestrian. With costly hospital bills and the possibility of being unable to work, the future can look bleak for an injury victim. Contact a Fort Collins personal injury attorney today to learn about your legal options for pursuing compensation for your injuries. Call our office at 970-225-2190 to schedule a free consultation.



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