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What Are the Consequences of Truck Accidents in Colorado?
Trucks are not inherently dangerous. With the proper driver training and maintenance of the truck, goods can reach their final destinations safely. However, accidents involving trucks can and do happen on many highways across the country. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), 4,889 large trucks and buses were involved in fatal crashes in 2017. Crashes can occur due to many reasons, including driver error, bad weather, traffic, and road conditions. No matter whose fault a truck accident is, the consequences can result in devastating injuries and even fatalities for the truck driver as well as passengers in other vehicles.
Common Causes of Truck Accidents
The legal weight of a semi-truck can be up to 80,000 pounds without an oversize permit. Such massive machines require specific training and maintenance compared to passenger cars. Driver fatigue is often associated with truck accidents. Truck drivers are pressured to complete their routes within specific time frames while being legally required to rest in between shifts. An overly tired person can experience the same impairments to physical and mental coordination as someone who is over the legal limit for alcohol use while operating a vehicle. While this is a common reason why truck accidents happen, other factors include inexperienced or negligent driving, inclement weather, brake failure, tire blowouts, or poor road conditions.
Due to the size of trucks, getting into an accident with them can have fatal consequences for people in passenger cars or smaller vehicles. The truck offers better protection for the truck driver due to its size, and people in other vehicles are statistically much more likely to die in a truck accident than a truck driver. An example of this and how multiple variables can affect a truck accident is evident in a recent truck accident in Lakewood, Colo.
A 23-year-old truck driver based out of Houston, Texas slammed into standing traffic on April 25, 2019, causing the deaths of four people. Footage prior to the crash shows the truck swerving down a steep hill on I-70. It was estimated that the truck was moving at double the speed limit. Upon colliding with stopped traffic, the truck and surrounding cars caught on fire on the interstate. While the crash was not deemed intentional, the driver was formally charged in May with six counts of first-degree assault, four counts of vehicular homicide, and 30 other counts against him. Driving too fast down a steep hill can cause brakes to become ineffective on a truck. While a driver may have intentions to stop, this accident demonstrates how inexperience or faulty equipment can lead to the loss of lives.
Contact a Larimer County Truck Accident Attorney
A truck accident can result in serious injuries or fatalities, depending on the circumstances. Driver inexperience, weather, and defective parts can all play a role in causing a collision. If you have been injured, or if your loved one has died as a result of a truck accident, contact an experienced Fort Collins personal injury lawyer. Our skilled legal team will examine the details of your accident to determine who was at fault and help you receive compensation for your pain, suffering, or wrongful death. Call Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. at 970-225-2190 today to schedule a free consultation.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
1403 W. 29th St.,
Loveland, Colorado 80538
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
Ft. Collins:
1109 Oak Park Dr Ste 100,
Fort Collins, CO 80525|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)