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What Are the Most Common Human Factors in Colorado Car Crashes?

 Posted on November 24, 2020 in Car Accident

Larimer County personal injury attorney car accident

If you have been injured in a car accident, your chances of obtaining compensation usually rest on the ability to demonstrate that another person was responsible for the crash due to his or her negligent behavior. Recent data published by the Colorado Department of Transportation (DOT) points to the prevalence of driver negligence in automobile collisions, indicating that from 2005 to 2018, more than half of all car accidents throughout the state involved an apparent “human contributing factor.” Many of the common factors noted can form the basis of your personal injury case.

Human Contributing Factors in Car Accidents

The Colorado DOT’s report further breaks down some of the specific behaviors involved in crashes that had a clear human contributing factor. Some of the most common were:

  • Driver distractions: Some form of distracted driving was a factor in more than 25 percent of the accidents in question. This includes distractions from passengers, cell phones, radios, and an “other” category that may include things like eating or personal grooming while driving, or visual distractions outside of the vehicle.

  • Driver inexperience or unfamiliarity with the area: Another 25 percent of accidents with human contributing factors involved errors on the part of young drivers or drivers who were new to the area. Examples may include driving in the wrong direction, overcompensating for navigational or operational mistakes, or failing to account for the terrain on some of Colorado’s roads.

  • Driving under the influence: Alcohol and other drugs were a factor in 10 percent of accidents involving human contributing factors. These crashes often come with a greater risk of serious injuries or fatalities.

  • Aggressive driving: Approximately 9 percent of accidents with human contributing factors involved aggressive driving, which includes speeding, following too closely, and other reckless driving behavior that can put individuals at risk.

  • Driver fatigue: Approximately 5 percent of the accidents in question involved drivers who were fatigued or who fell asleep at the wheel. These accidents tend to be more common late at night.

Pursuing Compensation from Negligent Drivers

If you suspect the involvement of any of these human factors in the accident in which you were injured, your attorney can help you gather evidence to establish that this is the case. Often, one of the most helpful pieces of evidence is an official police report that documents the apparent cause of the crash, and your lawyer can work with law enforcement to help you access it. Witness testimonies and video or photographs of the crash can also be important so that you have sufficient leverage in a settlement negotiation or evidence in a trial.

Contact a Larimer County Car Accident Attorney

At Hoggatt Injury Law, we have experience representing clients in vehicle collisions involving a wide range of human factors, and we know how to recognize the signs and collect the evidence necessary for a successful claim for compensation. We can help you get the relief you need for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Call a Fort Collins personal injury lawyer today at 970-225-2190 to request a free consultation.




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