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What Causes Rear-End Collisions?

 Posted on July 23, 2019 in Car Accident

Ft. Collins car accident personal injury attorney

Rear-end collisions are often considered just fender benders, but any car accident can cause significant damage to a vehicle and the people inside. Rear-end crashes are the most common motor vehicle accident in the United States, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA). Knowing what factors lead to a rear-end collision is not only a way to avoid causing an accident, but it can also help you determine your best options for seeking compensation after such an incident. Not every car accident leads to permanent disability or wrongful death, but if you are faced with difficult circumstances following an accident, you may be able to collect damages. In the state of Colorado, fault in an accident contributes to how much damage can be recovered. 

Factors That Lead to Rear-End Crashes

A rear-end collision occurs when a car hits the back of another car. Sometimes, this just results in some scratches or minor damage to a vehicle, but hitting a car from behind can also cause serious injuries like whiplash or traumatic brain injuries. A rear-end crash can start a chain reaction of accidents by pushing one car into another vehicle or into the opposite lane of traffic. The following are some of the factors that can lead to rear-end collisions: 

  • Driving too closely: According to the Colorado Revised Statute 42-4-1008, it is unlawful for motorists to follow or drive unreasonably close to the car in front of them. Drivers should leave enough space between their cars and other vehicles for them to safely occupy the roadway. Other vehicles should be able to enter and navigate the space between cars at a safe distance for the conditions of the road. 
  • Distracted driving: Anything that takes a driver's attention away from the road can be incredibly dangerous. When a person is not focusing on driving, it can be easy to bump into another vehicle from behind. Many distractions are avoidable, and taking steps to eliminate distractions can help prevent rear-end collisions. Cell phone use is of the biggest culprits that cause distracted driving. Adult drivers in Colorado are allowed to use a cell phone for a voice call while driving; however, texting or other manual use of an electronic device is prohibited. 

Contact a Fort Collins Personal Injury Lawyer

You may not see a rear-end collision coming, and the unexpected medical costs and property damage can add up. If you believe the person who hit you from behind was acting negligently, Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. can help. In the last year, our firm has secured $2.5 million for our clients for injuries in motor vehicle accidents alone. Contact a skilled Larimer County car accident attorney to discuss the circumstances surrounding your accident. Our experienced lawyers will help determine liability for your injuries and work to ensure that you receive the compensation you deserve. Call 970-225-2190 today to schedule a free consultation. 







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