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What Happens at a Colorado Workers’ Compensation Hearing?

 Posted on January 07, 2021 in Workplace Injury

Larimer County workers compensation attorney

If you have suffered a work-related injury while working for an employer in Colorado, filing a workers’ compensation claim can help you obtain financial relief through your employer to cover your medical expenses and lost wages. In some cases, your claim may be approved without issue. However, if you encounter any disputes with your employer or their insurer throughout the process—for example, if your claim is denied or you disagree with your impairment rating—you may be able to resolve it by requesting a hearing.

The Workers’ Comp Hearing Process in Colorado

If you would like for a judge to resolve your dispute, your first step is to submit an Application for Hearing to the Colorado Office of Administrative Courts (OAC), in which you will need to identify and describe the issues that you would like the hearing to address. The OAC will schedule and notify you of the date and time of your hearing so that you can begin preparing. It is a good idea to work with a qualified attorney as you prepare for your hearing, as we can help you collect evidence and identify witnesses who can testify in support of your position. We will use this evidence and testimony to help you build a comprehensive case to present at the hearing.

Before your hearing, you may be asked to participate in a pre-hearing conference with an administrative law judge to establish the procedures leading up to your hearing, including a discovery period during which we and the other party can request evidence from each other to assist with the preparation. You also have the option to request a settlement conference with your employer and their insurer, through which we may be able to reach a fair resolution without the involvement of a judge. However, if you prefer that a judge consider the case, you do not have to agree to a settlement.

At the hearing itself, you and your attorney, along with the other party and their legal representation, will appear before an administrative law judge. Both sides will have the opportunity to present their case, including evidence and testimony from witnesses in attendance at the hearing. After reviewing the information, the judge will issue a decision within 15 workdays.

Contact a Ft. Collins, CO Workers’ Compensation Attorney

If you were injured in a work-related accident, you are likely worried about medical bills and lost income. However, you may be entitled to compensation for your medical bills and lost wages. As you prepare for your workers’ comp hearing, you do not have to do it alone. The attorneys at Hoggatt Injury Law can guide and represent you to give you the best possible chance of obtaining an outcome in your favor. To schedule a free consultation, contact our qualified Larimer County workers’ comp lawyers today at 970-225-2190.







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