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What Is a No-Doubt Liability Car Accident?

 Posted on January 27, 2022 in Car Accident

CO accident lawyerAfter some car accidents, it can be difficult to determine who was liable. Especially when multiple vehicles are involved, or there is a dispute over who merged into whose lane, figuring out which party is at-fault can become complicated. In other types of accidents, it is almost always immediately clear which driver made a careless mistake and caused the accident. These are often referred to as “no-doubt liability” accidents. Generally, recovering damages if you are injured in one of these accidents is a streamlined process.

However, the at-fault driver may still try to make a case that there were extenuating circumstances that absolve him of liability. Because these claims can still be contested, it is a good idea to have an attorney ready to advocate for you before you try speaking to the other driver’s insurance company.

What Types of Car Crashes Are Considered No-Doubt Liability Accidents?

No-doubt liability accidents generally fall into a few categories. These categories include:

  • Rear-end collisions - The driver who rear-ended another vehicle is nearly always to blame. Careless mistakes like getting distracted and taking your eyes off the road, failing to start braking early in inclement weather, or driving drunk can cause these. However, there are rare instances where the driver in front is at fault, such as if he pulled far too close in front of another vehicle and slammed the brakes.
  • Reversing - A driver who is backing up is nearly always liable when they hit another vehicle - or a pedestrian. Usually, these accidents happen because a careless driver decided to back up without properly checking behind their vehicle.
  • Intoxication - When a drunk driver is involved in a crash, it is almost always their fault. It is extremely rare, but still possible, for a drunk driver to get into an accident that was not his fault.
  • Left turn - Drivers making an unprotected left turn at an intersection are generally responsible for making sure they have a clear path to do so. A negligent driver who fails to do so and causes an accident while turning is nearly always liable.

In other situations where the responsible driver was breaking a law - for example, they were speeding - liability can also be a bit easier to prove. Under the legal doctrine of negligence per se, a driver who was violating a statute designed to prevent exactly the type of accident he caused is almost automatically liable.

An attorney can help you determine the best course of action for pursuing compensation after a no-doubt liability accident or an accident where the other driver was doing something illegal.

Call a Larimer County Car Crash Lawyer

If you were hurt by a careless driver, Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. will fight for you to receive full compensation. Our skilled Ft. Collins car accident attorneys can handle any car accident, from relatively simple rear-end collisions to complex multi-vehicle pile-ups. Call us at 970-225-2190 to arrange a free consultation.




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