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What to Do After a St. Patrick’s Day Car Accident in Larimer County

 Posted on March 04, 2022 in Car Accident

CO DUI lawyerEveryone loves St. Patrick’s Day, which falls on March 17 every year. This late-winter holiday is devoted to wearing green and celebrating Irish culture and heritage. Local delis work overtime producing literal tons of corned beef and other Irish fares. Festivals pop up featuring activities for all ages. Children may enjoy hunting for ever-elusive four-leaf clovers or setting leprechaun traps. Adults often enjoy green beer, Guinness, and Irish cream-based cocktails. Unlike corned beef and green T-shirts, sober drivers may be in short supply. Those who plan on driving on St. Patricks Day will need to exercise great caution. Unfortunately, even the most careful sober driver cannot always avoid getting into a wreck with a careless and unpredictable drunk driver. If a car accident with injuries ruins your holiday, it is a good idea to call an attorney as quickly as possible. You may have a strong case for a significant financial recovery.

Tips for Those Who Get in a Car Accident on St. Patrick’s Day

It can be difficult at times to tell the difference between a driver who is lost and looking for a festival or party and a driver who is drunk. Both are inclined to drive with their blinker on for blocks and to slow down or speed up unpredictably. After an accident, however, the difference is usually readily apparent. A sober but turned-around driver is likely to step out and exchange insurance information in a calm fashion. A drunk driver is not likely to be nearly that cooperative or organized. Some tips if you get into an accident on this holiday include:

  • Call the police - Even if the drunk driver is friendly and apologetic, you still need to call the police. A police report will be a critical part of proving your claim. If your lawyer can demonstrate that the driver who injured you was breaking the law by driving while intoxicated, their negligence may be easier to prove in court if the police document the crime. You may even be able to recover additional damages.
  • Expect to wait - As you can imagine, the local police have their hands full on St. Patricks Day. It may take them some time to get to you. You can always use this time to call a lawyer.
  • Avoid confrontation - Getting into a fight - verbal or physical - with a drunk driver will not help the situation, and you could suffer additional injuries if the dispute turns violent. You could also face charges if the confrontation gets out of hand.
  • Safety - Make sure to wait for the police in a safe place. Secondary car accidents are a risk due to a high volume of drunk drivers. It is best to step as far off the roadway as you can. If you do get hit a second time, you may need to make a second phone call to the police.

No sober driver can predict the movements of a drunk driver. If your defensive driving habits do not keep you out of an accident, follow these tips to preserve your claim and stay safe.

Call a Larimer County Personal Injury Attorney

Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. is very experienced in helping those injured by drunk drivers. Our Ft. Collins car accident lawyers are adept at making the best possible recovery in these situations. Call 970-225-2190 for a free consultation.




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