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What You Need to Know About Vehicle Fires and Burn Injuries

 Posted on November 23, 2022 in Uncategorized

fort collins burn injury lawyerIn an average year in the United States, approximately 210,000 vehicle fires occur, according to the National Fire Prevention Association, many of which happen in the wake of crashes. These fires claim hundreds of lives, injure thousands more, and cause nearly $2 billion in property damage.  

These disturbing numbers raise grave concerns about the severity, scope of injuries, and costs that occur when victims suffer serious injuries or death in car fires. Not only is the permanent scarring from burns a constant reminder, but the pain experienced, the medical care required, and the associated costs incurred can be unimaginable.

Car Crashes and Burns

A car accident alone is a terrifying experience, but the potential for sustaining serious injuries is worse. When considering the working parts of a vehicle, one can begin to understand how many different scenarios could play out and cause injury to an occupant. The first priority, however, is to safely get out of a burning vehicle. Unfortunately, unpredictable and fast-moving fires can cause injuries such as:

  • Flame burns from ignited gasoline

  • Scald burns from hot engine fluids

  • Burns from contact with hot tailpipes or engine surfaces.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) reports that about 60 percent of vehicle fires originate in the engine area or gear box. About 12 percent of such fires start in the passenger cabin. Perhaps surprisingly, less than 2 percent of vehicle fires originate in the fuel tank or fuel lines. With this in mind, nearly any car accident creates the danger of starting a fire that could cause serious injuries to the occupants of the vehicles involved.

Other Burn Risks

Vehicle accident burn injuries usually involve a heat, electrical and/or chemical source. Heat burns occur when there is direct contact with open shooting flames, hot surfaces, hot liquids, or steam. Even the general heat emanating from a flame or hot surface or substance can cause a heat burn. A vehicle fire can generate heat upward of 1,500 degrees Fahrenheit.

In addition to the burn risks created by a vehicle fire, you could also suffer electrical burns caused by damaged or exposed electrical components in a crash. Chemical burns are also possible if your skin comes into contact with harmful substances spilled from a commercial vehicle involved in an accident.

Contact a Compassionate Larimer County Personal Injury Attorney

If you have been injured in a car accident and suffered life-altering burn injuries, contact an experienced Fort Collins car accident injury lawyer at [ttile]]. Our knowledgeable team will sit down with you to discuss your situation and develop a strategy for getting you the full compensation you deserve for your medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering. Call 970-225-2190 for a free, no-obligation consultation and case review today.





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