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Why Speeding Leads Drivers to Crash
Speeding is a major issue threatening the safety of all road users. In 2021, 12,330 people were killed due to speeding, or roughly about 33 fatalities each day.
A driver is considered to be speeding if he or she is exceeding the posted speed limit, driving too fast for conditions, or racing with another vehicle.
Our Fort Collins car accident attorney is here to give you five reasons why speeding leads drivers to crash and help in the event of an accident and injuries.
Reasons Speeding Leads to Crashes
Even a small increase in speed can have startling ramifications. Whenever a state raises a speed limit, even by five miles per hour, this leads to an 8% increase in fatality rates on highways and a 4% increase in fatalities on other roads.
Drivers speed for a number of reasons, but what are the reasons that speeding leads to accidents? five
Drivers Have Less Time to React
When drivers operate their vehicles at excessive speeds, they have less time to react to hazards on the road. There may be other aggravating factors at play. For instance, if a driver is speeding and a deer runs out in the road, the individual may not have adequate time to swerve to avoid hitting the fawn. If it is nighttime, visibility will probably be an issue since the driver will see the deer later than if it was daytime.
Less Control of The Vehicle
If a motorist is speeding, the individual will have less control of the vehicle. This will become an issue if wildlife runs in front of the car if there is a flat tire, or if there is inclement weather. If a driver comes to a patch of ice on the road and is already driving too fast for conditions, the motorist will likely lose control of the car and crash.
Compromised Vehicle Stability
At an excessive speed, a vehicle’s stability is compromised. Losing control of the vehicle may result in a car colliding with other vehicles, stationary structures, or rolling over.
Increased Stopping Distance
A vehicle operator who is exceeding the speed limit will require more stopping time. This becomes a problem when the driver has to stop suddenly in traffic or when approaching an accident. At 65 miles per hour, it will already take your car 345 feet to stop. For every five-mile increase above 65 miles per hour, your vehicle will require an additional 43-52 feet to stop.
The weight of your car is a determining factor in how long it will take your vehicle to come to a complete stop, with heavier vehicles requiring more distance to stop.
More Severe Injuries and Property Damage
The impact of two vehicles will be intensified when even just one of the drivers is speeding. For every 10 miles per hour that you increase your speed, you double your chances of dying in a crash. Additionally, you significantly increase your chances of causing severe injuries to yourself and others, as well as totaling your vehicle and other cars.
If you have been in a crash caused by a speeding driver, it is vital you seek representation from a Larimer County car accident lawyer who has a proven track record.
Contact a Fort Collins, CO, Car Accident Lawyer
A speeding driver is a danger to everyone on the road. If you have been in an accident with a speeding driver, you deserve compensation for your injuries and other losses. Contact a Larimer County, CO car accident attorney from Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. online or call 970-225-2190 to schedule your free consultation.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
123 North College Avenue, Suite 160,
Fort Collins, CO 80524
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
201 E. 4th Street, Unit 132,
Loveland, Colorado 80537|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)