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Pedestrian Accidents Due to Distracted Driving
Distracted driving does not just take the lives of motor vehicle occupants. Recent statistics revealed that 644 pedestrians, cyclists, and other non-vehicle occupants died due to distracted drivers in a recent year
Distracted driving is anything that takes a motorist’s attention away from the road. It can include visual, cognitive, or manual distractions. When a motorist diverts their attention away from the road, the consequences are bound to be devastating for pedestrians.
If you or a loved one have been injured due to a distracted driver, a Fort Collins pedestrian and bicycle accident attorney may be able to assist you in recovering the compensation you deserve.
What is Distracted Driving?
Many motorists have a tendency to take care of other tasks while driving. When an individual is engaged in another activity and not giving complete attention to traffic conditions, this is a recipe for disaster.
Accidents on Icy or Snowy Roads
Each year, there are an estimated 1,300 fatalities and 116,800 injuries due to inclement weather. 24% of weather-related accidents take place on snowy, slushy, or icy pavements.
The effects of inclement weather cannot be understated, causing limited visibility, decreased vehicle performance, reduced speeds, narrowed lanes, and increased speed.
If you have been in an accident on icy or snowy roads, a Fort Collins car crash attorney can help you recover compensation for any injuries and property damage you sustained. Below, we discuss some of the dangers of inclement weather on the road and tips to keep you safe.
What is Your Motorcycle Accident Claim Worth?
Colorado is no stranger to motorcycle accidents. In 2022, 149 motorcyclists lost their lives on Colorado roads, accounting for 20% of the state’s traffic fatalities.
Following a motorcycle accident, your priority should be taking care of yourself. Depending on your injuries, you may have doctor’s appointments, require physical therapy, and may even need surgery. The healing process can be exhausting, but it becomes even more tiresome if you lack the financial means to cover medical costs.
If you have been involved in a motorcycle accident, our Fort Collins motorcycle accident attorney is here to assist you. Attorney Darby L. Hoggatt is here to provide an overview of how negligence is determined in a motorcycle collision and factors that are considered in an accident settlement.
Causes of Parking Lot Accidents
Parking lots are notorious for collisions. A recent study revealed that one in five car accidents occur in parking lots and garages.
The number one culprit of parking lot accidents? Distractions. With a false sense of security, motorists have their guard down while navigating a parking area.
If you have been in a parking lot accident due to another driver’s negligence, you need to speak with a Fort Collins car accident attorney to determine what compensation you may be eligible to receive.
Parking Lots and Distractions
In a recent poll, drivers admitted that they would use their cell phones and partake in other tasks while driving through a parking lot.
Can You Get Workers’ Compensation for Job-Related Illnesses?
Each year, there are 4.9 million workers’ compensation claims in both government and private industry occupations, with 2.8 million in the private sector alone. These claims cost employers $100.2 billion each year in insurance payouts.
While workers’ compensation is usually associated with a workplace injury, employees also qualify to receive workers’ compensation if they develop an illness from their job.
If you have developed an illness as a result of your job, you need the representation of a Larimer County workers’ compensation attorney.
What is Workers’ Compensation, and What Does it Cover?
Workers’ compensation is provided to you and paid on behalf of your employer. Colorado employers are required to carry workers’ compensation if they have one or more employees.
Evidence to Prove Truck Accident Liability
When tractor-trailers and other commercial trucks are in an accident, victims often suffer devastating injuries. Given a commercial truck’s weight and overall mass, accidents are more likely to happen on congested roads and in inclement weather.
Truck accidents are on the rise, with a 49% increase in the last decade. In 2021, 117,300 large trucks were involved in an accident that caused injuries, with 5,700 large trucks being part of a fatal crash.
Proving fault in a truck accident case can be complicated, so it is crucial that you hire a Fort Collins truck accident attorney to recover the compensation you deserve.
Pedestrians Can Suffer Catastrophic Injuries
Pedestrian fatalities in the United States have reached a 40-year high, with an estimated 7,500 pedestrians being killed by drivers in 2022.
While pedestrians in the “Sun Belt” states face the highest risk of suffering injuries, anybody traveling by foot can suffer catastrophic injuries when hit by a vehicle.
If you have been injured in a pedestrian accident, a Fort Collins pedestrian accident lawyer is available to help you recover the compensation that you deserve.
Data on Pedestrian Fatalities
According to data collected by the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS), in one year, the largest number of pedestrian fatalities occurred at night (74%). This remained constant, whether the road had street lights or was pitch black.
Why Speeding Leads Drivers to Crash
Speeding is a major issue threatening the safety of all road users. In 2021, 12,330 people were killed due to speeding, or roughly about 33 fatalities each day.
A driver is considered to be speeding if he or she is exceeding the posted speed limit, driving too fast for conditions, or racing with another vehicle.
Our Fort Collins car accident attorney is here to give you five reasons why speeding leads drivers to crash and help in the event of an accident and injuries.
Reasons Speeding Leads to Crashes
Even a small increase in speed can have startling ramifications. Whenever a state raises a speed limit, even by five miles per hour, this leads to an 8% increase in fatality rates on highways and a 4% increase in fatalities on other roads.
Common Job-Related Injuries to Road Crew Workers
Being a road crew worker is no easy task; between the sun beating down on you and the physical exhaustion of working outside for extended periods of time, it can make anyone think twice about entering this line of work.
A road crew worker is at risk of being seriously injured at a construction site. If you sustained injuries on the job, you may be entitled to compensation.
To discuss your personal injury case, you should speak with a Fort Collins construction injury lawyer today.
Risks of Being a Road Crew Worker
The limits of a road crew worker’s abilities are put to the test on a daily basis. From 1982 through 2020, 29,493 individuals died in work zone crashes.
Types of Dangerous Driving Impairment
When you think of impaired driving, you might immediately think of drunk driving. While this is a common form of impaired driving, there are other factors that can impair a driver’s ability to drive safely and avoid accidents and injuries.
Below is a brief overview of different types of impaired driving that might cause injuries and lead to an injury claim. If you want to discuss a possible injury case from a crash, speak with a Fort Collins car accident attorney right away.
Causes of Driver Impairment
Driving impairment is a significant risk factor for accidents, posing danger to both the driver and others on the road. Several forms of impairment can compromise a driver's ability to operate a vehicle safely:

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
1403 W. 29th St.,
Loveland, Colorado 80538
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
Ft. Collins:
1109 Oak Park Dr Ste 100,
Fort Collins, CO 80525|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)