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Who Can File a Wrongful Death Claim in Colorado?
Traffic accidents can be fatal, whether a victim dies immediately or later succumbs to his or her injuries. Workplace accidents can also result in deaths. Along with the emotional turmoil, surviving family members are left without the income, benefits, and services the deceased had provided.
If your loved one’s fatal injury happened at work, eligible survivors can pursue death benefits through a workers’ compensation claim. When negligent or willful behavior caused the death, you may qualify to seek damages through wrongful death and survival actions. In some cases, a worker’s death could yield both workers’ comp and wrongful death compensation. For the best chance of success, you need a skilled Fort Collins, CO wrongful death attorney who also handles workers’ comp cases. Se Habla Español.
How Can Truck Crashes Kill Motorists But Not Harm Truckers?
On March 8th, a deadly accident occurred on I-25 in Loveland. A Toyota Rav4 reportedly went under a tractor-trailer, killing the SUV’s driver. The semi driver was uninjured. An analysis of U.S. Department of Transportation data from 2022 revealed that of the 2,523 occupant deaths in large truck vs. car crashes that year, 2,418 (96 percent) were passenger vehicle occupants, with only 105 (4 percent) being occupants of the large trucks.
The unfortunate truth is that passenger vehicle occupants are at a significant disadvantage in truck accidents. Injured victims may qualify to receive compensation for their damages through a personal injury claim, and a wrongful death claim could provide compensation for the families of fatal truck crash victims. However, getting as much as you are entitled to is challenging unless you have a skilled Fort Collins, CO personal injury lawyer advocating for your best interests.
NHTSA Vehicle Safety Recalls Week Is March 3-9
As an agency of the U.S. Department of Transportation, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s purpose is to reduce the number of injuries, deaths, and economic losses from motor vehicle crashes. To that end, the NHTSA urges drivers to check whether their vehicles have any open safety recalls twice a year. The Safe Cars Save Lives campaign educates drivers about how to check for recalls and what to do if your vehicle has been recalled.
We at Hoggatt Law Office, P.C. care about your safety and join the NHTSA in reminding you to check for recalls on your vehicles. If you are injured in an accident caused by a recalled vehicle, even if it is yours, contact our knowledgeable Fort Collins, CO personal injury attorney to explore your options for compensation.
When and How Could I Receive My Personal Injury Settlement?
If you sustain injuries through someone else’s intentional act or negligence, you may be entitled to compensation. You have probably heard that before, but when it happens to you, several questions usually arise. Most people want to know how much their case is worth and when they would be paid. The answer is that it depends on many factors. All injured victim’s damages are unique and calculated using case-specific details. There are also different ways to structure your payment.
When you work with our knowledgeable Fort Collins, CO personal injury lawyer, we will work to help you secure the maximum amount of compensation available for your damages. We will also explain the different payout options and help you determine which works best for you.
How Do Personal Injury Settlements Work?
The payment portion of the personal injury claim process has several steps, and all are important. First, your lawyer will calculate your accident-related losses, which are called damages. Those could include your medical bills, property damage, the costs of ongoing care, lost wages, and several forms of pain and suffering. The amounts vary widely, and they could include future qualifying expenses in addition to your current financial losses.
Do Long Holiday Weekends Increase Accident Risks?
Beginning with Valentine’s Day on Friday, February 14th, and ending with President’s Day on Monday, February 17th, many people in Colorado celebrated a long holiday weekend. I-70 was busy with skiers taking advantage of an extra day away off from work. Unfortunately, the Colorado State Patrol responded to seven fatal accidents between Friday and Sunday that were responsible for killing eight people. Separately, an 11-vehicle pileup on I-70 on Monday resulted in multiple injuries and the need for a hazmat team to clean up approximately 80 gallons of spilled diesel fuel. That crash was apparently caused by careless driving and others driving too fast for conditions.
Although winter weather and slick roads contributed to these crashes, a higher number of travelers on the roads due to the extended weekend may have also been a factor. President’s Day is not one of the major holidays, but the National Safety Council confirms that long holiday weekends typically see higher numbers of motor vehicle accidents, injuries, and fatalities. If you are injured in a car crash, a skilled Larimer County, CO personal injury attorney can help you establish liability and secure the highest available amount of compensation.
Can I Collect Monetary Compensation if I Was Injured by a Speeding Driver?
In a recent news release, the Colorado State Patrol reported that speed is still a significant factor in Colorado traffic collisions and that it causes more severe injuries. In 2024, CSP investigated over 560 speed-related crashes that produced injuries and fatalities. While some people may believe speeding tickets are simply a way for law enforcement agencies to generate income, the truth is that they are an attempt to discourage drivers from speeding and posing a risk to the public.
If a speeding driver injured you, you know firsthand why speed limits are important. Speeding accidents can cause serious injury and property damage that can leave victims needing a great deal of medical care along with costly bills to pay. The good news is that you do not need to deal with this on your own, and a dedicated Fort Collins, CO personal injury attorney can help you pursue the compensation you deserve.
Why Should I Take Photos if I Am Injured in an Accident?
You have probably seen articles telling you to take photos at an accident scene if you are injured, and you may have wondered why. The reason is not related to your social media accounts; in fact, you should avoid social media because your posts could actually harm your compensation claim. Whether you are injured in a car accident or another type of personal injury situation, you should take pictures that a skilled Larimer County, CO personal injury lawyer can use as evidence to support your claim.
Why Should I Take Pictures After an Accident?
Because you are present at the scene of your accident immediately after it happens, you have a unique advantage. You can take multiple photos and record videos before the scene changes. For example, after a car accident, the vehicles will eventually be moved. Vehicle placement can reveal the impact angles, and vehicle damage can indicate impact speed; both details may be used to assign fault.
Why Does Larimer County Rank High for State Traffic Deaths?
The preliminary 2024 fatal crash numbers are in for Colorado. According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, traffic deaths in the state decreased for the third year in a row. However, Fort Collins and Larimer County are among the worst in the state for fatal crashes.
If someone else causes a motor vehicle accident that injures you or claims a loved one’s life, you may qualify to pursue compensation. Working with an experienced Fort Collins, CO personal injury lawyer is important if you hope to collect as much as you are entitled to.
What Does the 2024 Crash Facts Report Say?
The following numbers are preliminary and may change. However, as of now, there were 684 Colorado traffic fatalities in 2024, representing a 5 percent decrease from 2023. Although most categories also saw a decrease, motorcycle deaths increased by 23 percent over 2023 totals, and construction zone fatalities rose by an astounding 94 percent.
Can Speed Cameras Reduce Road Construction Crashes?
Road construction, although frustrating to navigate while in progress, improves our ability to travel in Colorado and across the nation. Congestion in construction zones creates hazards for motorists and workers alike. Preliminary 2024 figures show that 31 Colorado road construction workers died in work zone crashes, with 43 more suffering serious injuries. Fatalities rose by more than 75 percent when compared to 2023 deaths. In an effort to make construction zones safer, the Colorado Department of Transportation will be installing controversial speed cameras in construction zones, beginning with the Floyd Hill area on I-70 in March 2025.
Why are road construction accidents on the rise? What compensation is available after a construction zone crash? Working with an experienced Larimer County, CO workers’ compensation and personal injury attorney can maximize the compensation you receive and simplify the process.
How Many 2024 Traffic Deaths Were Caused by Drunk Drivers?
According to the Colorado Department of Transportation, preliminary 2024 data reports 203 motor vehicle accident deaths involving an impaired driver. This figure is the lowest since 2019, representing 30 percent of all traffic fatalities in the state and an 11 percent decrease from 2023 totals. However, even one death is too many.
If an impaired driver injured me, can I sue? What if my family member was killed in a drunk driving crash? Working with a knowledgeable Larimer County, CO personal injury lawyer is important if you want to get as much compensation as you deserve.
Why Is Impaired Driving Dangerous?
Besides being illegal, driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs causes various impairments that make safe driving impossible. Along with drugs like cannabis, some prescription and over-the-counter medications cause similar impairments. In fact, driving while fatigued has been compared to drunk driving due to how excessive drowsiness can affect people. Still, there were over 14,000 DUI arrests made in Colorado during 2024, showing that drivers often ignore the laws.

970-225-2190 | 1-800-664-3151
1403 W. 29th St.,
Loveland, Colorado 80538
3835 W. 10th Street, Unit 100,
Greeley, Colorado 80634|
353 Main Street, Suite A,
Longmont, Colorado 80501|
4450 Arapahoe Avenue, Suite 100,
Boulder, Colorado 80303|
Ft. Collins:
1109 Oak Park Dr Ste 100,
Fort Collins, CO 80525|
109 E. 17th St., Suite #6148,
Cheyenne, WY 82001|
307-227-4051 (By Appointment Only)